Monitor the IBM MQ network

A number of monitoring techniques are available in IBM MQ to obtain statistics and other specific information about how your queue manager network is running. Use the monitoring information and guidance in this section to help improve the performance of our queue manager network.

The following list provides examples of reasons for monitoring your queue manager network:

  • Detect problems in your queue manager network.
  • Assist in determining the causes of problems in your queue manager network.
  • Improve the efficiency of our queue manager network.
  • Familiarize yourself with the running of our queue manager network.
  • Confirm that your queue manager network is running correctly.
  • Generate messages when certain events occur.
  • Record message activity.
  • Determine the last known location of a message.
  • Check various statistics of a queue manager network in real time.
  • Generate an audit trail.
  • Account for application resource usage.
  • Capacity planning.

  • Event monitoring
    Event monitoring is the process of detecting occurrences of instrumentation events in a queue manager network. An instrumentation event is a logical combination of events that is detected by a queue manager or channel instance. Such an event causes the queue manager or channel instance to put a special message, called an event message, on an event queue.
  • Message monitoring
    Message monitoring is the process of identifying the route a message has taken through a queue manager network. By identifying the types of activities, and the sequence of activities performed on behalf of a message, the message route can be determined.
  • Accounting and statistics messages
    Queue managers generate accounting and statistics messages to record information about the MQI operations performed by IBM MQ applications, or to record information about the activities occurring in an IBM MQ system.
  • System topics for monitoring and activity trace
    System topics in queue manager topic trees are used for resource monitoring and for application activity trace.
  • Monitor the IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce
    We can use the amqsrua sample C program to subscribe to topics and display publications for queue managers that are used by the IBM MQ Bridge to Salesforce.
  • Application activity trace
    Application activity trace produces detailed information about the behavior of applications connected to a queue manager. It traces the behavior of an application and provides a detailed view of the parameters used by an application as it interacts with IBM MQ resources. It also shows the sequence of MQI calls issued by an application.
  • Real-time monitoring
    Real-time monitoring is a technique that allows you to determine the current state of queues and channels within a queue manager. The information returned is accurate at the moment the command was issued.
  • Monitor clusters
    Within a cluster we can monitor application messages, control messages, and logs. There are special monitoring considerations when the cluster load balances between two or more instances of a queue.
  • Monitor application balancing
    We can use the DISPLAY APSTATUS command to monitor the state of application balancing across a uniform cluster, and to investigate why the application is not balanced if that is unexpected.
  • Monitor performance and resource usage on z/OS
    Use this topic to understand the facilities available to monitor the performance, and resource usage of the IBM MQ for z/OS subsystems.

Parent topic: IBM MQ Monitoring and performance