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Migrating DR RDQMs

Follow this sequence of steps to upgrade the primary and recovery nodes in a disaster recover replicated data queue manager (DR RDQM) configuration.

About this task

The suggested sequence for upgrading your nodes is to upgrade your recovery node, then run your DR queue managers there while you then upgrade your primary node. When both nodes are upgraded you can restore the original primary and recovery roles.

If we do not require to run your DR queue managers during the upgrade procedure, then we can omit the steps for failing over to the recovery node. We can just stop your DR queue managers and restart them after you have upgraded both nodes.

If we are also running HA RDQMs on either of the nodes, we should deal with these queue managers at the same time by following the instructions in Migrating HA RDQMs.


Uninstall DR RDQM and IBM MQ and upgrade RDQM and IBM MQ.
  1. Upgrade the DR secondary node:
    1. Log in as root or switch to superuser using the su command.
    2. Uninstall IBM MQ (this step also uninstalls RDQM):
      rpm -qa | grep MQSeries | xargs yum -y remove
    3. Uninstall Pacemaker:
      rpm -qa | grep linbit | xargs yum -y remove
    4. Uninstall DRBD:
      rpm -qa | grep drbd | xargs yum -y remove
    5. Install the new levels of IBM MQ and RDQM, see Installing RDQM (replicated data queue managers).

  2. On the DR primary node, do one of the following steps:

    • End the DR queue managers, or
    • Perform a managed failover of the DR queue managers to the DR secondary node.

  3. Upgrade the DR primary node:
    1. Log in as root or switch to superuser using the su command.
    2. Uninstall IBM MQ (this step also uninstalls RDQM):
      rpm -qa | grep MQSeries | xargs yum -y remove
    3. Uninstall Pacemaker:
      rpm -qa | grep linbit | xargs yum -y remove
    4. Uninstall DRBD:
      rpm -qa | grep drbd | xargs yum -y remove
    5. Install the new levels of IBM MQ and RDQM, see Installing RDQM (replicated data queue managers).

  4. On the DR primary node, do one of the following steps:

    • Start the DR queue managers (if you previously ended them), or
    • Perform a managed failover of the DR queue managers back to the DR primary node.

Parent topic: Migrating replicated data queue managers

Last updated: 2020-10-04