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Redistributable clients on Windows

The Windows 64-bit image is shipped in a Win64.zip file.

File names

The archive or .zip file names describe the file contents and equivalent maintenance levels.

For IBM MQ Version 9.2.0 the client images are available under the following file names:

    Long Term Support: 9.2.0 IBM MQ C and .NET redistributable client for Windows x64

    Long Term Support: 9.2.0 IBM MQ JMS and Java redistributable client

Choose the runtime files to distribute with an application

A script file named genmqpkg is provided by the redistributable client under the bin directory.

We can use the genmqpkg script to generate a smaller subset of files that are tailored to the needs of the application, for which the files are intended to be distributed. You are asked a series of interactive Yes or No questions to determine the runtime requirements for an IBM MQ


Finally, genmqpkg asks you to supply a new target directory, where the script duplicates the required directories and files.

Important: IBM support is only able to provide assistance with the full, unmodified set of files contained within the redistributable client packages.

Other considerations

On Windows, the default data path of a non-installed client is %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\IBM\MQ\data.

We can change the default directory of the data path, by using the MQ_OVERRIDE_DATA_PATH environment variable.Note: We must create the directory first, as the directory is not created automatically. A redistributable client runtime co-exists with a full IBM MQ client or server installation, provided that they are installed in different locations.Important: Unpacking a redistributable image into the same location as a full IBM MQ installation is not supported.

Classpath changes

The classpath used by dspmqver, setmqenv, and crtmqenv commands, add the com.ibm.mq.allclient.jar to the environment, immediately following the com.ibm.mq.jar and com.ibm.mqjms.jar.

An example of dspmqver output from the redistributable client on Windows:
Name:        IBM MQ Version:
Level:       p920-920-L150909
BuildType:   IKAP - (Production)
Platform:    IBM MQ for Windows (x64 platform)
Mode:        64-bit
O/S:         Windows 10 Professional x64 Edition, Build 7601: SP1
InstName:    MQNI09200004
InstDesc:    IBM MQ V9.2.0.0 (Redistributable)
Primary:     No
InstPath:    C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\Redist
DataPath:    C:\Users\johndoe\IBM\MQ\data
MaxCmdLevel: 920

Parent topic: Install and uninstall IBM MQ on Windows

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Last updated: 2020-10-04