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Uninstalling MQ Telemetry components

Remove MQ Telemetry components from your computer.

Before starting

Check that your user ID has the following authority to complete uninstallation tasks:

  • On all Windows operating systems and editions, your user ID must be a member of the Administrators group.
  • On AIX and Linux systems, your user ID must have root authority to complete installation. Follow your local security guidelines to acquire root authority; either login as root, or log in as another user and become root.


  • On Windows, to uninstall MQ Telemetry modify the existing IBM MQ . Deselect MQ Telemetry from the list of components that is installed in the main installation.
  • On AIX, run the command installp -u mqm.xr.service. For more information, refer to Uninstalling or modifying IBM MQ on AIX, but replace step 4 with the command in this step.
  • On Linux, run the command rpm -e MQSeriesXRService. For more information refer to Uninstalling or modifying IBM MQ on Linux using rpm, but replace step 4 with the command in this step.

Parent topic: Installing MQ Telemetry

Last updated: 2020-10-04