Uninstalling IBM MQ using MQParms
We can uninstall IBM MQ by running the MQParms command from the command line to remove all currently installed features.
Before starting
Start the uninstalling process by following the steps described in Uninstalling IBM MQ on Windows.
- Follow the instructions on the MQParms installation pages to uninstall IBM MQ non-interactively. See: Installing the server using the MQParms command.
- Set the ADDLOCAL parameter to empty (ADDLOCAL="").
- Set the REMOVE parameter to "ALL" (REMOVE="ALL").
- If we have multiple versions of IBM MQ installed on the system, specify the product code that identifies the installation we want to remove. Type the following command:
MQParms.exe parameter_file/i "{product_code}"where
- parameter_file is the file that contains the required parameter values. If this file is not in the same folder as MQParms.exe, specify the full path and file name. If we do not specify a parameter file, the default is MQParms.ini.
- product_code is the value shown for MSIProdCode in the output of the following command:
dspmqinst -n installation_namewhere installation_name is the name of the installation we want to remove. An example of a product code is {0730749B-080D-4A2E-B63D-85CF09AE0EF0}.
What to do next
Complete the steps that you started in Uninstalling IBM MQ on Windows. Parent topic: Uninstalling IBM MQ on Windows