Configure the service integration bus for an application that connects to WebSphere Application Server

Before we can run an application that connects to a WebSphere Application Server service integration technologies service integration bus, we must configure the service integration in the same way that you configure the service integration bus to run JMS applications that use the default messaging provider.

Before starting

Before starting this task, we must do the following steps:

  • Make sure that a messaging bus is created and that your server is added to the bus as a bus member.
  • Make sure that the application has access to a service integration bus that contains at least one messaging engine that is running.
  • If HTTP operation, is required then an HTTP messaging engine inbound transport channel must be defined. By default, channels for SSL and TCP are defined during the server installation.
  • Make sure that the application uses a connection factory whose properties are set appropriately to connect to the service integration bus using a bootstrap server. The minimum information required is:

    • The provider endpoint, which describes the location and protocol to use when negotiating a connection to the messaging server (that is, via the bootstrap server). In its simplest form, for a server installed with default settings, the provide endpoint can be set to the host name of the server.
    • The name of the bus through which messages are sent.

    For more information about the properties of a connection factory, see Properties of ConnectionFactory.

Any queue or topic spaces that you require must be defined. By default a topic space called Default.Topic.Space is defined during the server installation but, if you require further topic spaces, create these topic spaces yourself. You do not need to predefine individual topics within a topic space, since the server instantiates these individual topics dynamically as required.

The following steps summarize what we need to do.


  1. Create the queues that the application needs for point-to-point messaging.
  2. Create any additional topic spaces that the application needs for publish/subscribe messaging.


We can now start the application. Parent topic: Set up the messaging server environment