Reading and writing the message descriptor from a IBM Message Service Client for .NET application
We can access all the message descriptor (MQMD) fields of an IBM MQ message except StrucId and Version; BackoutCount can be read but not written to. This feature is available only when connecting to a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 or later queue manager and is controlled by destination properties described later.
The message attributes provided by the IBM Message Service Client for .NET facilitates XMS applications to set MQMD fields and also to drive IBM WebSphere MQ applications.
Some restrictions apply when using publish/subscribe messaging. For example, MQMD fields like MsgID and CorrelId, if set, are ignored.
The function described in this topic is unavailable for publish/subscribe messaging when we are either connecting to a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 queue manager. It is also unavailable when the PROVIDERVERSION property is set to 6.
Parent topic: Mapping XMS messages onto IBM MQ messages