JMS-defined properties of a message
Several JMS-defined properties of a message are supported by both XMS and WebSphere JMS.
Table 1 lists the JMS-defined properties of a message that are supported by both XMS and WebSphere JMS. For a description of the JMS-defined properties, see Java Message Service Specification. The JMS-defined properties are not valid for a real-time connection to a broker.
The table specifies the data type of each property and indicates how the value of the property is set for a transmitted message. Some of the properties are set automatically by XMS when an application sends a message or, in the case of JMSXDeliveryCount, when an application receives a message.
XMS name of the JMS defined property | JMS name | Data type | How the value is set for a transmitted message (in the format method [class]) |
JMSX_APPID | JMSXAppID | System.String | Send [MessageProducer] |
JMSX_DELIVERY_COUNT | JMSXDeliveryCount | System.Int32 | Receive [MessageConsumer] |
JMSX_GROUPID | JMSXGroupID | System.String | Set String Property [PropertyContext] |
JMSX_GROUPSEQ | JMSXGroupSeq | System.Int32 | Set Integer Property [PropertyContext] |
JMSX_USERID | JMSXUserID | System.String | Send [MessageProducer] |