IBM MQ classes for JMS relocatable JAR files
The relocatable JAR files can be moved to systems that need to run IBM MQ classes for JMS.
Important:- Apart from the relocatable JAR files described in Relocatable JAR files, copying the IBM MQ classes for JMS JAR files or native libraries to other machines, or to a different location on a machine where the IBM MQ classes for JMS have been installed, is not supported.
- Do not include the relocatable JAR files within applications deployed into Java EE application servers, such as WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Liberty. In these environments, the IBM MQ resource adapter should be deployed and used instead. Note that WebSphere Application Server embeds the IBM MQ resource adapter, so there is no need to deploy it manually into this environment.
- To avoid classloader conflicts, it is not recommended to bundle the relocatable JAR files within multiple applications inside the same Java runtime. In this scenario, making the IBM MQ relocatable JAR files available on the Java runtime's classpath.
- If we are bundling the relocatable JAR files within the applications, ensure that we include all prerequisite JAR files as described in Relocatable JAR files. We should also ensure that we have appropriate procedures to update the bundled JAR files as part of application maintenance, to ensure that the IBM MQ classes for JMS remain current and known issues are re-mediated.
Relocatable JAR files
Within an enterprise, the following files can be moved to systems that need to run IBM MQ classes for JMS:-
- jms.jar
- fscontext.jar
- providerutil.jar
- bcpkix-jdk15on.jar
- bcprov-jdk15on.jar
- org.json.jar
The fscontext.jar and providerutil.jar files are required if the application performs JNDI lookups using a file system context.
The Bouncy Castle security provider and CMS support JAR files, bcpkix-jdk15on.jar and bcprov-jdk15on.jar, are required. For more information, see Support for non-IBM JREs.
The org.json.jar file is required if the IBM MQ classes for JMS application uses a CCDT in JSON format.
The file contains the IBM MQ classes for JMS, the IBM MQ classes for Java, and the PCF and Headers Classes. If you move this file to a new location, make sure that you take steps to keep this new location maintained with new IBM MQ Fix Packs. Also, make sure that the use of this file is made known to IBM Support if we are getting an interim fix.
To determine the version of the file, use the following command:java -jar following example shows some sample output from this command:
C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ_1\java\lib>java -jar Name: Java Message Service Client Version: Level: p000-L140428.1 Build Type: Production Location: file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/MQ_1/java/lib/ Name: WebSphere MQ classes for Java Message Service Version: Level: p000-L140428.1 Build Type: Production Location: file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/MQ_1/java/lib/ Name: WebSphere MQ JMS Provider Version: Level: p000-L140428.1 mqjbnd=p000-L140428.1 Build Type: Production Location: file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/MQ_1/java/lib/ Name: Common Services for Java Platform, Standard Edition Version: Level: p000-L140428.1 Build Type: Production Location: file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/MQ_1/java/lib/
The file is used to dynamically control trace for IBM MQ classes for JMS applications. For more information, see Control trace in a running process by using IBM MQ classes for Java and IBM MQ classes for JMS.
Parent topic: What is installed for IBM MQ classes for JMS