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Use client connections to connect to multiple IBM MQ queue managers

How we can use client channel definition tables (CCDTs), connection name lists (CONNAME list), load balancing, and code stubs to connect to multiple queue managers together with the advantages and disadvantages of each option for a specific requirement.

Terms used in this information

    CCDT- multi-QMGR
    Means a CCDT file that contains multiple client connection (CLNTCONN) channels with the same group, that is the queue manager name client connection (QMNAME CLNTCONN) attribute, where different CLNTCONN entries resolve to different queue managers.
    This is distinct from a CCDT file that contains multiple CLNTCONN entries that are simply different IP addresses or host names for the same multi-instance queue manager, which is an approach you might choose to combine with a code stub.
    If you do choose a CCDT multi queue manager approach, we need to choose whether to prioritize the entries or have randomized work load management (WLM):

      Use multiple alphabetically ordered entries with CLNTWGHT(1) and AFFINITY(PREFERRED) attributes to remember the last good connection.

      Use CLNTWGHT(1) and AFFINITY(NONE) attributes. We can adjust the WLM weighting across differently scaled IBM MQ servers by adjusting the CLNTWGHTNote: We should avoid large differences in CLNTWGHT between channels.

    Load balancer
    Means a network appliance with a Virtual IP address (VIP) configured with port monitoring of the TCP/IP listeners of multiple IBM MQ queue managers. How the VIP is configured in the network appliance depends on the network appliance we are using.

The following choices relate only to applications sending messages, or initiating synchronous request and reply messaging. The considerations for applications servicing those messages and requests, for example, the listeners are completely separate, and discussed in detail in "Connecting a message listener to a queue".

Scale of code change required for existing applications that connect to a single queue manager

    CONNAME list, CCDT multi-QMGR, and Load balancer
    The queue manager name might be in the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) configuration for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications. Otherwise this requires a one character code-change.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

    Code stub
    Replace existing JMS or MQI connection logic with a code stub.
    This is likely to have a negative effect on the code.

Support for different WLM strategies

    CONNAME list
    Prioritized only.
    This is likely to have a negative effect on the code.

    CCDT multi-QMGR
    Prioritized or random.
    This is not likely to have any effect on the code.

    Load balancer
    Any, including each connection for all messages.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

    Code stub
    Any, including each message for all messages.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

Performance overhead while primary queue manager is unavailable

    CONNAME list
    Always tries first in list.
    This is likely to have a negative effect on the code.

    CCDT multi-QMGR
    Remembers last good connection.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

    Load balancer
    Port monitoring avoids bad queue managers.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

    Code stub
    Can remember last good connection, and retry intelligently.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

XA transaction support

    CONNAME list, CCDT multi-QMGR, and Load balancer
    The transaction manager needs to store recovery information that reconnects to the same queue manager resource.
    An MQCONN call that resolves to different queue managers generally invalidates this. For example, in Java EE, a single connection factory should resolve to a single queue manager when using XA.
    This is likely to have a negative effect on the code.

    Code stub
    Code stub can meet the XA requirements for a transaction manager, for example, multiple connection factories.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

Connection rebalancing on failback

An example of this is when a queue manager restarts after a failure or planned outage, and you need to know how long it will be until applications can use that queue manager again

    CONNAME list, CCDT multi-QMGR, and Load balancer
    Connection pooling in Java EE holds onto connections indefinitely, unless connections are configured with an aged timeout.
    Use an aged timeout might drive exceptions in some cases, and these exceptions are usually the result of an IBM MQ messaging provider JMS Connection being closed off by WebSphere Application Server, because the aged timeout for the connection has expired.
    An aged timeout also introduces a small or occasional performance overhead during normal operation. We might need to ensure that conversation sharing is not enabled, by setting SHARCNV=1, with an aged timeout to ensure reconnects always establish a new socket.
    The remembers last good connection CCDT behavior might also delay failback.
    This is likely to have a negative effect on the code.

    Code stub
    Code stub can handle failback flexibly, with little or no performance overhead.
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

Admin flexibility to hide infrastructure changes from apps

    CONNAME list
    DNS only.
    This is likely to have a negative effect on the code.

    CCDT multi-QMGR
    DNS and shared file-system, or shared file-system, or CCDT file push.
    This is not likely to have any effect on the code.

    Load balancer
    Dynamic virtual IP address (VIP).
    This is likely to have a positive effect on the code.

    Code stub
    DNS or single queue manager CCDT entries.
    This is not likely to have any effect on the code.

Avoiding disruption around planned maintenance

There is another situation that we need to consider and plan for, which is how to avoid disruption to applications, for example, errors and timeouts visible to the end users, during planned maintenance of a queue manager. The best approach to avoid disruption is to remove all work from a queue manager before it is stopped.

Consider a request and reply scenario. You want all in-flight requests to complete, and the replies to be processed by the application, but we do not want any additional work to be submitted into the system. Simply quiescing the queue manager does not fulfill this need, as well-coded applications receive a return code RC2161 MQRC_Q_MGR_QUIESCING exception, before they receive their reply messages for in-flight requests.

We can set PUT(DISABLED) on the request queues used to submit work, while leaving the reply queues both PUT(ENABLED) and GET(ENABLED). In this way, we can monitor the depth of the request, transmission, and reply queues. Once they all stabilize, that is, in-flight requests complete or time out, we can stop the queue manager.

However, good coding in the requesting applications is required to handle a PUT(DISABLED) request queue, which results in the return code RC2051 MQRC_PUT_INHIBITED error, when trying to send a message.

Note that the exception does not occur when creating the connection to IBM MQ, or opening the request queue. The exception occurs only when an attempt is made to actually send a message, using the MQPUT call.

Building a code stub that includes this error handling logic for request and reply scenarios, and asking the application teams to use such a code stub in the future, can help you develop applications with consistent behavior.

Parent topic: Application development concepts

Last updated: 2020-10-04