Sample applications for implementing TLS in managed .NET
Sample applications are provided to show the implementation of TLS for managed .NET in IBM MQ classes for .NET, XMS .NET and IBM MQ custom channel for WCF.
The following table shows the location of the sample applications. MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM MQ is installed.
Parent topic: TLS support for the managed .NET client
IBM MQ.NET stack offering Location of samples Base .NET MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\dotnet\samples\cs\base\SimplePut\SimplePut.cs
XMS .NET MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\dotnet\samples\cs\xms\simple\wmq\SimpleProducer\SimpleProducer.cs
IBM MQ custom channel for WCF MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\dotnet\samples\cs\wcf\samples\WCF\oneway\service\MQMessagingOneWayService.cs