JMS destination object properties

Two properties of the Destination object control access to the MQMD from JMS, and a third controls message context.

Property Short form Description
WMQ_MQMD_WRITE_ENABLED MDW Whether a JMS application can set the values of MQMD fields
WMQ_MQMD_READ_ENABLED MDR Whether a JMS application can extract the values of MQMD fields
WMQ_MQMD_MESSAGE_ CONTEXT MDCTX What level of message context is to be set by the JMS application. The application must be running with appropriate context authority for this property to take effect

Property Valid values in administration tool (defaults in bold) Valid values in programs Set method

  • NO

    All JMS_IBM_MQMD* properties are ignored and their values are not copied into the underlying MQMD structure.

  • YES

    JMS_IBM_MQMD* properties are processed. Their values are copied into the underlying MQMD structure.

  • False
  • True


  • NO

    When sending messages, the JMS_IBM_MQMD* properties on a sent message are not updated to reflect the updated field values in the MQMD.

    When receiving messages, none of the JMS_IBM_MQMD* properties are available on a received message, even if the sender had set some or all of them.

  • YES

    When sending messages, all of the JMS_IBM_MQMD* properties on a sent message are updated to reflect the updated field values in the MQMD, including those that the sender did not set explicitly.

    When receiving messages, all of the JMS_IBM_MQMD* properties are available on a received message, including those that the sender did not set explicitly.

  • False
  • True



    The MQOPEN API call and the MQPMO structure specify no explicit message context options


    The MQOPEN API call specifies the message context option MQOO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT and the MQPMO structure specifies MQPMO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT


    The MQOPEN API call specifies the message context option MQOO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT and the MQPMO structure specifies MQPMO_SET_ALL_CONTEXT


Parent topic: Reading and writing the message descriptor from an IBM MQ classes for JMS application