STEPLIB configuration for IBM MQ classes for JMS on z/OS
On z/OS, the STEPLIB used at run time must contain the IBM MQ SCSQAUTH and SCSQANLE libraries. Specify these libraries in the startup JCL or using the .profile file.
From UNIX and Linux System Services, we can add these using a line in your .profile as shown in the folowing code snippet, replacing thlqual with the high-level data set qualifier that you chose when installing IBM MQ:export STEPLIB=thlqual.SCSQAUTH:thlqual.SCSQANLE:$STEPLIBIn other environments, you typically need to edit the startup JCL to include SCSQAUTH and SCSQANLE on the STEPLIB concatenation:
STEPLIB DD DSN=thlqual.SCSQAUTH,DISP=SHR DD DSN=thlqual.SCSQANLE,DISP=SHRParent topic: What is installed for IBM MQ classes for JMS