Building WCF client applications using a client proxy with programmatic configuration

Before starting

  1. Add a reference to the custom channel IBM.XMS.WCF.dll file to the project. The IBM.XMS.WCF.dll is in the WMQInstallDir\bin directory where WMQInstallDir is the directory that IBM MQ is installed in.
  2. Add a using statement to the IBM.XMS.WCF namespace, for example: using IBM.XMS.WCF
  3. Create an instance of th' binding element and endpoint of the channel as described in: Create a WCF custom channel by suppling binding and endpoint information programmatically

If changes to the binding properties of the channel are required, complete the following steps.

  1. Add the binding properties to transportBindingElement as shown in the following figure:
    SoapJmsIbmTransportBindingElement transportBindingElement = new SoapJmsIbmTransportBindingElement();
    Binding binding = new CustomBinding(new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(), transportBindingElement);
    EndpointAddress address =
      new EndpointAddress("jms:/queue?destination=SampleQ@QM1&connectionFactory=
  2. Create the client proxy as shown in the following figure, where binding and endpoint address are the binding and endpoint address configured in step 1 and passed in:
     MyClientProxy myClient = new MyClientProxy(binding, endpoint address);
                try {
                catch (TimeoutException e) {
                catch (CommunicationException e) {
                catch (Exception e) {

Parent topic: Building client applications for WCF