Building WCF service applications using method 2: Self-hosting programmatically directly from the application
Add the binding properties, create the service host with an instance of the required service class and open the service.
Before starting
- Add a reference to the custom channel IBM.XMS.WCF.dll file to the project. The IBM.XMS.WCF.dll is in the WMQInstallDir\bin where WMQInstallDir is the directory that IBM MQ is installed in.
- Add a using statement to the IBM.XMS.WCF namespace, for example: using IBM.XMS.WCF
- Create an instance of the channels binding element and endpoint as described in: Create a WCF custom channel by suppling binding and endpoint information programmatically
If changes to the binding properties of the channel are required, then complete the following steps:
- Add the binding properties to transportBindingElement as shown in the following example:
SoapJmsIbmTransportBindingElement transportBindingElement = new SoapJmsIbmTransportBindingElement(); Binding binding = new CustomBinding(new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(), transportBindingElement); Uri address = new Uri("jms:/queue?destination=SampleQ@QM1&connectionFactory= connectQueueManager(QM1)&");
- Create the service host with an instance of the required service class:
ServiceHost service = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService));
- Open the service:
service.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyServiceContract), binding, address); service.Open(); ... service.Close();
Parent topic: Building and hosting services for WCF