Create simple put and get messages within a TransactionScope

Product sample C# applications are available within IBM MQ . These simple applications demonstrate putting and getting messages within a TransactionScope. At the end of the task, we will be able to put and get messages from a queue or topic.

Before starting

MSDTC service must be running and enabled for XA Transactions.

The example is a simple application, SimpleXAPut and SimpleXAGet. The programs SimpleXAPut and SimpleXAGet are C# applications available within IBM MQ. SimpleXAPut demonstrates using MQPUT, under Distributed Transactions using SystemTransactions namespace. SimpleXAGet demonstrates using MQGET, under Distributed Transactions using SystemTransactions namespace.

SimpleXAPut is located in MQ\tools\dotnet\samples\cs\base


The applications can be run with the command-line parameters from tools\dotnet\samples\cs\base\bin
SimpleXAPut.exe -d destinationURI [-h host -p port -l channel -tx transaction -tm mode -n numberOfMsgs]
SimpleXAGet.exe -d destinationURI [-h host -p port -l channel -tx transaction -tm mode -n numberOfMsgs]

where the parameters are:


This can be queue or topic. For a queue, specify as queue://queueName and for a topic specify as topic://topicName.


This can be a host name such as localhost or an IP address.


The port on which the queue manager is running.


The connection channel being used. The default is SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN


The transaction result, for example commit or rollback.


The transport mode, for example managed or unmanaged.


The number of messages. The default is 1.


SimpleXAPut -d topic://T01 -h localhost -p 2345 -tx rollback -tm unmanaged
SimpleXAGet -d queue://Q01 -h localhost -p 2345 -tx rollback -tm unmanaged
Parent topic: Distributed transactions in .NET