Service stanza format

The Service stanza contains the name of the service and the number of entry points defined for the service.

The format of the stanza is as follows:

    The name of the service. This is defined by the service.

    The number of entry points defined for the service. This includes the initialization and termination entry points.


    On UNIX and Linux systems: user, group, or default. The value specifies whether the queue manager uses user-based or group-based authorization. Values are not case sensitive. If we do not include this attribute, the default value used is group-based authorization. Restart the queue manager for changes to become effective. See also Configure authorization service stanzas on UNIX and Linux.

    On Windows systems: NTSIDsRequired (the Windows Security Identifier), or Default. If we do not specify NTSIDsRequired, the Default value is used. This attribute is valid only if Name has a value of AuthorizationService. See also Configure authorization service stanzas on Windows.

Parent topic: Configure services and components