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MQINQ and clusters

Which cluster queue is inquired upon depends upon the options you combine with MQOO_INQUIRE.

Before we can inquire on a queue, open it using the MQOPEN call and specify MQOO_INQUIRE.

To inquire on a cluster queue, use the MQOPEN call and combine other options with MQOO_INQUIRE. The attributes that can be inquired depend on whether there is a local instance of the cluster queue, and on how the queue is opened:

  • Combining MQOO_BROWSE, MQOO_INPUT_*, or MQOO_SET with MQOO_INQUIRE requires a local instance of the cluster queue for the open to succeed. In this case we can inquire on all the attributes that are valid for local queues.
  • Combining MQOO_OUTPUT with MQOO_INQUIRE, and specifying none of the preceding options, the instance opened is either:

    • The instance on the local queue manager, if there is one. In this case we can inquire on all the attributes that are valid for local queues.
    • An instance elsewhere in the cluster, if there is no local queue manager instance. In this case only the following attributes can be inquired on. The QType attribute has the value MQQT_CLUSTER in this case.

      • DefBind
      • DefPersistence
      • DefPriority
      • InhibitPut
      • QDesc
      • QName
      • QType

To inquire on the DefBind attribute of a cluster queue, use the MQINQ call with the selector MQIA_DEF_BIND. The value returned is either MQBND_BIND_ON_OPEN or MQBND_BIND_NOT_FIXED, or MQBND_BIND_ON_GROUP. Either MQBND_BIND_ON_OPEN or MQBND_BIND_ON_GROUP must be specified when using groups with clusters.

To inquire on the CLUSTER and CLUSNL attributes of the local instance of a queue, use the MQINQ call with the selector MQCA_CLUSTER_NAME or the selector MQCA_CLUSTER_NAMELIST.

Note: If you open a cluster queue without fixing the queue that MQOPEN has bound to, successive MQINQ calls might inquire on different instances of the cluster queue. Parent topic: Work with the MQI and clusters

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Last updated: 2020-10-04