Trigger monitors on IBM i
On IBM i, instead of the runmqtrm control command, use the IBM MQ for IBM i CL command STRMQMTRM.
Use the STRMQMTRM command as follows:STRMQMTRM INITQNAME(InitQ) MQMNAME(QMgrName)Details are as for runmqtrm.
The following sample programs are also provided, which we can use as models to write your own trigger monitors:
- This is a trigger monitor that submits an IBM i job for the process that is to be started, but this means that there is additional processing associated with each trigger message.
- This is a trigger server. For each trigger message, this server runs the command for the process in its own job, and can call CICS transactions.
Both the trigger monitor and the trigger server pass an MQTMC2 structure to the programs that they start. For a description of this structure, see MQTMC2. Both of these samples are delivered in both source and executable forms.
Because these trigger monitors can invoke only native IBM i programs, they cannot trigger Java programs directly, because Java classes are located in the IFS. However, Java programs can be triggered indirectly by triggering a CL program that then invokes the Java program and passes across the TMC2 structure. The minimum size of the TMC2 structure is 732 bytes.
Here is the source of a sample CLP:PGM PARM(&TMC2) DCL &TMC2 *CHAR LEN(800) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(TM) VALUE(&TMC2) QSH CMD('java_pgmname $TM') RMVENVVAR ENVVAR(TM) ENDPGMThe following trigger monitor program is provided for the IBM MQ MQI client: RUNMQTMC
Call the RUNMQTMC as follows:CALL PGM(QMQM/RUNMQTMC) PARM('-m' QMgrName '-q' InitQ)Parent topic: Trigger monitors