Invocation of the PreConnect exit module

The PreConnect exit module can be invoked with three different reason codes: the MQXR_INIT reason code for initializing and establishing a connection to an LDAP server, the MQXR_PRECONNECT reason code for retrieving channel definitions from an LDAP server, or the MQXR_TERM reason code when the exit is to be cleaned.

    The exit is invoked with MQXR_INIT reason code for initializing and establishing a connection to an LDAP server.
    Before the MQXR_INIT call, the pExitDataPtr field of the MQNXP structure is populated with the Data attribute from the PreConnect stanza within the mqclient.ini file (that is, the LDAP).
    An LDAP URL consists of at least the protocol, host name, port number, and base DN for the search. The exit parses the LDAP URL contained within the pExitDataPtr field, allocates an MQNLDAPCTX LDAP Lookup Context structure and populates it accordingly. The address of this structure is stored in the pExitUserAreaPtr field. Failure to correctly parse the LDAP URL results in the error MQCC_FAILED.
    At this point, the exit connects and binds to the LDAP server using the MQNLDAPCTX parameters. The resulting LDAP API handles are also stored within this structure.

    The exit module is invoked with the MQXR_PRECONNECT reason code for retrieving channel definitions from an LDAP server.
    The exit searches the LDAP server for channel definitions matching the given filter. If the QMgrNameparameter contains a specific queue manager name, the search returns all channel definitions for which the ibm-amqQueueManagerName LDAP attribute value matches with the given queue manager name.
    If the QMgrName parameter is '*' or ' '(blank), then the search returns all channel definitions for which the ibm-amqIsClientDefault Connection endpoint attribute is set to TRUE.
    After a successful search, the exit prepares one or an array of MQCD definitions and returns back to the caller.

    The exit is invoked with this reason code when the exit is to be cleaned. During this cleaning, the exit disconnects from the LDAP server, and releases all the memory allocated and maintained by the exit, including the MQNLDAPCTX structure, the pointer array, and every MQCD it references. Any other fields are set to the default values. The pQMgrName and ppConnectOpts exit parameters are unused during an exit with the MQXR_TERM reason code and may be NULL.

Parent topic: Sample program for Connection Endpoint Lookup (CEPL)

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