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The Browse sample programs on IBM i

Each program retrieves copies of all the messages on the queue that you specify when you call the program; the messages remain on the queue.

We can use the supplied queue SYSTEM.SAMPLE.LOCAL; run the Put sample program first to put some messages on the queue. We can use the queue SYSTEM.SAMPLE.ALIAS, which is an alias name for the same local queue. The program continues until it reaches the end of the queue or an MQI call fails.

The C samples let you specify the queue manager name, generally as the second parameter, in a similar fashion to the Windows systems samples. For example:
If a queue manager is not specified, it connects to the default one. This is also relevant to the RPG samples. However, with the RPG samples we must supply a queue manager name rather than allowing it to default. Parent topic: The Browse sample programs

Last updated: 2020-10-04