Determining the number of TCP/IP connections that are created from WebSphere Application Server to IBM MQ

Use the sharing conversations feature, multiple conversations can share MQI channel instances, this is also known as a TCP/IP connection.

About this task

Applications running inside of WebSphere Application Server Version 7 and Version 8, that use IBM MQ messaging provider normal mode, will automatically use this feature. This means that multiple applications running within the same application server instance, that connect to the same IBM MQ queue manager, are able to share the same channel instance.

The number of conversations that can be shared across a single channel instance is determined by the IBM MQ channel property SHARECNV. The default value of this property for server connection channels is 10.

By looking at the number of conversations that are created by WebSphere Application Server Version 7 and Version 8, it is possible to determine the number of channel instances that are created.

For more information on IBM MQ messaging provider mode, see PROVIDERVERSION normal mode.

  • JMS connection factories
    Applications running inside of WebSphere Application Server, that use a IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory to create connections and sessions, have active conversations for every JMS connection created from the connection factory, and for every JMS session created from a JMS connection.
  • Activation specifications
    Message-driven bean applications, that are configured to use an activation specification, have conversations active for activation specification to monitor a JMS destination, and for every server session used to run a message-driven bean instance to process messages.
  • Listener ports running in Application Server Facilities (ASF) mode
    Listener ports running in ASF mode used by message-driven bean applications create conversations for each server session. One monitors a destination for suitable messages and another runs a message-driven bean instance to process messages. The number of conversations for each listener port can be calculated from a maximum number of sessions.
  • Listener ports running in non Application Server Facilities (non-ASF) mode
    Listener ports running in non-ASF mode can be configured to monitor the queue destination and the topic destination using Server Sessions. Server sessions can have multiple conversations, the maximum number of which can be calculated in each case.

Parent topic: Use IBM MQ and WebSphere Application Server together

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