AMQP clients exchanging messages with IBM MQ applications
By defining and starting an AMQP channel, MQ Light or AMQP 1.0 applications can publish messages that are received by existing MQ applications. Messages published through an AMQP channel are all sent to MQ topics, not MQ queues. An MQ application that has created a subscription using the MQSUB API call receives messages published by AMQP 1.0 applications, provided that the topic string or topic object used by the MQ application matches the topic string published by the AMQP client.
AMQP message data, attributes, and properties are set on the MQ message received by the MQ application. For more information about AMQP to MQ message mappings, see Mapping AMQP fields onto IBM MQ fields (incoming messages).
If the MQ application has created a subscription that is durable, messages published by the AMQP application are stored on the queue that backs the subscription. The messages are then received by the MQ application when the application resumes its subscription. If the AMQP application specifies a message time to live and the MQ application does not reconnect within the time to live, the message is expired from the queue.
MQ Light or AMQP 1.0 applications can also consume messages that are published by existing MQ applications. Messages published by MQ applications to an MQ topic or topic string are received by an AMQP 1.0 application provided that the application has subscribed with a topic pattern that matches the published topic string.
If the AMQP 1.0 application specifies a time-to-live value for the subscription, and the AMQP application disconnects for greater than the time to live, the subscription is expired from the queue manager and any messages stored on the subscription queue are lost.
MQMD fields, message properties, and application data are set on the AMQP message received by the AMQP application. For more information about the MQ to AMQP message mappings, see Mapping AMQP fields onto IBM MQ fields (outgoing messages).
Parent topic: Topologies for AMQP clients with IBM MQRelated information