Upgrading the IBM MQ Operator using the OpenShift CLI
The IBM MQ Operator can be installed onto OpenShift using the Operator Hub.
Before starting
Log into the cluster using cloudctl login (for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration), or oc login.
Ensure the latest IBM MQ Operator Upgrade Channel is available
- Determine which version we want to install. See Version support for the IBM MQ Operator.
Check the available IBM MQ Operator Update Channels
oc get packagemanifest ibm-mq -o=jsonpath='{.status.channels[*].name}'
Patch the Subscription to move to the desired update channel (where vX.Y is the desired update channel identified in the previous step.
oc patch subscription ibm-mq --patch '{"spec":{"channel":"vX.Y"}}' --type=merge
Parent topic:
Upgrading the IBM MQ Operator and certified containers