Licensing reference for

The spec.license.license field must contain the license identifier for the license we are accepting. Valid values are as follows:

Value of spec.license.license Value of spec.license.use License information
L-RJON-BN7PN3 Production or NonProduction IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2020.2
L-RJON-BPHL2Y IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Limited Edition 2020.2
L-APIG-BMJJBM Production or Development IBM MQ Advanced 9.2.0
L-APIG-BMKG5H Development IBM MQ Advanced for Developers 9.2.0
L-APIG-BJAKBF Production or Development IBM MQ Advanced 9.1.5
L-APIG-BM7GDH Development IBM MQ Advanced for Developers 9.1.5

Note that the license version is specified, which is not always the same as the version of IBM MQ.

Parent topic: API reference for