Which IBM MQ clients can read each attribute

Most of the attributes in the IBM MQ MQI client configuration file can be used by the C client, and the unmanaged .NET clients. However, there are some attributes that are not read by managed .NET and XMS .NET clients, or by clients using either the IBM MQ classes for Java or the IBM MQ classes for JMS.

mqclient.ini stanza name and attributes Description C and unmanaged .NET Java JMS Managed .NET Managed XMS .NET
CCSID The coded character set number to be used. Yes No No Yes Yes
ChannelDefinitionDirectory The directory path to the file containing the client channel definition table. Yes No No Yes Yes
ChannelDefinitionFile The name of the file containing the client channel definition table. Yes No No Yes Yes
ReconDelay An administrative option to configure reconnect delay for client programs that can auto-reconnect. Yes No Yes Yes Yes
DefRecon An administrative option to enable client programs to automatically reconnect, or to disable the automatic reconnection of a client program that has been written to reconnect automatically. Yes No Yes Yes Yes
MQReconnectTimeout The timeout in seconds to reconnect to a client. Yes No No Yes No
ServerConnectionParms The location of the IBM MQ server and the communication method to be used. Yes No No Yes Yes
Put1DefaultAlwaysSync Controls the behavior of the MQPUT1 function call with the option MQPMO_RESPONSE_AS_Q_DEF. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PasswordProtection Allows you to set protected passwords in the MQCSP structure, rather than using SSL or TLS. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ClientExitPath stanza
ExitsDefaultPath Specifies the location of 32-bit channel exits for clients. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ExitsDefaultPath64 Specifies the location of 64-bit channel exits for clients. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JavaExitsClassPath The values to be added to the classpath when a Java exit is run. No Yes Yes No No
Connection stanza
ApplName The application name specified in the client configuration file. Yes No No No No
JMQI stanza  
useMQCSPauthentication Controls whether IBM MQ classes for Java and IBM MQ classes for JMS applications should use Compatibility mode or MQCSP authentication mode when authenticating with a queue manager. No Yes Yes No No
MessageBuffer stanza
MaximumSize Size, in kilobytes, of the read-ahead buffer, in the range 1 through 999 999. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PurgeTime Interval, in seconds, after which messages left in the read-ahead buffer are purged. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UpdatePercentage The update percentage value, in the range of 1 - 100, used in calculating the threshold value to determine when a client application makes a new request to the server. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PreConnect stanza
Data URL of the repository where connection definitions are stored. Yes No No No No
Function Name of the functional entry point into the library that contains the PreConnect exit code. Yes No No No No
Module The name of the module containing the API exit code. Yes No No No No
Sequence The sequence in which this exit is called relative to other exits. Yes No No No No
Security stanza
DisableClientAMS Disables or enables AMS for client connections to a queue manager. Yes Yes Yes No No
SSL stanza
AllowOutboundSNI Specifies whether SNI capable clients will set SNI to the target IBM MQ channel name to the remote system when initiating a TLS connection. Yes Yes Yes No No
AllowTLSV13 Whether a queue manager is able to use the TLS 1.3 CipherSpecs. Yes (C/C++ clients) No No No No
CDPCheckExtensions Specifies whether SSL or TLS channels on this queue manager try to check CDP servers that are named in CrlDistributionPoint certificate extensions. Yes No No No No
CertificateLabel The certificate label of the channel definition. Yes No No No No
CertificateValPolicy Determines the type of certificate validation used. Yes No No No No
ClientRevocationChecks Determines how certificate revocation checking is configured if the client connect call uses an SSL/TLS channel. Yes No No No No
EncryptionPolicySuiteB Determines whether a channel uses Suite-B compliant cryptography and what level of strength is to be used. Yes No No No No
MinimumRSAKeySize Specifies the minimum keysize that RSA certificates must have in order to be accepted. Yes (C/C++ clients) No No No No
OCSPAuthentication Defines the behavior of IBM MQ when OCSP is enabled and the OCSP revocation check is unable to determine the certificate revocation status. Yes No No No No
OCSPCheckExtensions Controls whether IBM MQ acts on AuthorityInfoAccess certificate extensions. Yes No No No No
PeerCertChainValidation The GSKit certificate validation setting. Yes No No No No
SSLCryptoHardware Sets the parameter string required to configure PKCS #11 cryptographic hardware present on the system. Yes No No No No
SSLFipsRequired Specifies whether only FIPS-certified algorithms are to be used if cryptography is carried out in IBM MQ. Yes No No No No
SSLHTTPProxyName The string is either the host name or network address of the HTTP Proxy server that is to be used by GSKit for OCSP checks. Yes No No No No
SSLKeyRepository The location of the key repository that holds the user's digital certificate, in stem format. Yes No No No No
SSLKeyResetCount The number of unencrypted bytes sent and received on an SSL or TLS channel before the secret key is renegotiated. Yes No No No No
TCP stanza
ClntRcvBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP receive buffer used by the client end of a client-connection server-connection channel. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ClntSndBuffSize The size in bytes of the TCP/IP send buffer used by the client end of a client-connection server-connection channel. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Connect_Timeout The number of seconds before an attempt to connect the socket times out. Yes Yes Yes No No
IPAddressVersion Specifies which IP protocol to use for a channel connection. Yes No No Yes Yes
KeepAlive Switches the KeepAlive function on or off. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Library1 On Windows only, the name of the TCP/IP sockets DLL. Yes No No No No

For the IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server, we can use the TMF and TmfGateway stanzas to communicate with the TMF/Gateway.

Parent topic: Configure a client using a configuration file