Delete a stream

We can delete a stream from an IBM MQ Version 7.1, or later, queue manager.

Before starting

Before deleting a stream we must ensure that there are no remaining subscriptions to the stream and quiesce all applications that use the stream. If publications continue to flow to a deleted stream, it takes a lot of administrative effort to restore the system to a cleanly working state.


  1. Find all the connected brokers that host this stream.
  2. Cancel all subscriptions to the stream on all the brokers.
  3. Remove the queue (with the same name as the stream) from the namelist, SYSTEM.QPUBSUB.QUEUE.NAMELIST.
  4. Delete or purge all the messages from the queue with the same name as the stream.
  5. Delete the queue with the same name as the stream.
  6. Delete the associated topic object.

What to do next

Repeat steps 3 to 5 on all the other connected Version 7.1, or later, queue managers hosting the stream. Parent topic: Configure publish/subscribe messaging