Set queued publish/subscribe message attributes

You control the behavior of some publish/subscribe message attributes using queue manager attributes. The other attributes you control in the Broker stanza of the qm.ini file.

We can set the following publish/subscribe attributes: for details see, Queue manager parameters

Description MQSC parameter name
Command message retry count PSRTYCNT
Discard undeliverable command input message PSNPMSG
Behavior following undeliverable command response message PSNPRES
Process command messages under syncpoint PSSYNCPT
The Broker stanza is used to manage the following configuration settings:

  • PersistentPublishRetry=yes | force

    If you specify Yes, then if a publication of a persistent message through the queued publish/subscribe interface fails, and no negative reply was requested, the publish operation is retried.

    If you requested a negative response message, the negative response is sent and no further retry occurs.

    If you specify Force, then if a publication of a persistent message through the queued publish/subscribe interface fails, the publish operation is retried until the it is successfully processed. No negative response is sent.

  • NonPersistentPublishRetry=yes | force

    If you specify Yes, then if a publication of a non-persistent message through the queued publish/subscribe interface fails, and no negative reply was requested, the publish operation is retried.

    If you requested a negative response message, the negative response is sent and no further retry occurs.

    If you specified Force, then if a publication of a non-persistent message through the queued publish/subscribe interface fails, the publish operation is retried until it is successfully processed. No negative response is sent.

    Note: To enable this functionality for non-persistent messages, then as well as setting the NonPersistentPublishRetry value we must also ensure that the queue manager attribute PSSYNCPT is set to Yes.

    Doing this might also have an impact on the performance of processing non-persistent publications as the MQGET from the STREAM queue now occurs under syncpoint.

  • PublishBatchSize=number

    The broker normally processes publish messages within syncpoint. It can be inefficient to commit each publication individually, and in some circumstances the broker can process multiple publish messages in a single unit of work. This parameter specifies the maximum number of publish messages that can be processed in a single unit of work

    The default value for PublishBatchSize is 5.

  • PublishBatchInterval=number

    The broker normally processes publish messages within syncpoint. It can be inefficient to commit each publication individually, and in some circumstances the broker can process multiple publish messages in a single unit of work. This parameter specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) between the first message in a batch and any subsequent publication included in the same batch.

    A batch interval of 0 indicates that up to PublishBatchSize messages can be processed, provided that the messages are available immediately.

    The default value for PublishBatchInterval is zero.


Use IBM MQ Explorer, programmable commands, or the runmqsc command to alter the queue manager attributes that control the behavior of publish/subscribe.


ALTER QMGR PSNPRES(SAFE) Parent topic: Configure publish/subscribe messaging