Getting started with objects

Channels must be defined, and their associated objects must exist and be available for use, before a channel can be started. This section shows you how.

Use the IBM MQ commands (MQSC) or the IBM MQ Explorer to:
  1. Define message channels and associated objects
  2. Monitor and control message channels

The associated objects you might need to define are:

  • Transmission queues
  • Remote queue definitions
  • Queue manager alias definitions
  • Reply-to queue alias definitions
  • Reply-to local queues
  • Processes for triggering (MCAs)
  • Message channel definitions

The particular communication link for each channel must be defined and available before a channel can be run. For a description of how LU 6.2, TCP/IP, NetBIOS, SPX, and DECnet links are defined, see the particular communication guide for the installation. See also Example configuration information.

For more information about creating and working with objects, see the following subtopics:

Parent topic: Monitor and control channels on UNIX, Linux, and Windows