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Administer IBM MQ Light

We can administer MQ Light using IBM MQ Explorer or at a command line. Use the Explorer to configure channels and monitor the MQ Light clients that are connected to IBM MQ. Configure the security of MQ Light using TLS and JAAS.

Before you start

For information about installing AMQP on the platform, see Choose what to install. Install the AMQP Service component by using the IBM MQ V8.0.0.4 manufacturing refresh, not the V8.0.0.4 Fix Pack. We cannot install the AMQP component on a version of the queue manager earlier than V8.0.0.4.

Administer using IBM MQ Explorer

Use the Explorer to configure AMQP channels and monitor the MQ Light clients that are connected to IBM MQ. We can configure the security of MQ Light using TLS and JAAS.

Administer using the command line

We can administer MQ Light at the command line using MQSC commands.

Parent topic: Administer IBM MQ

Last updated: 2020-10-04