Display administrative topic object attributes
Use the MQSC command DISPLAY TOPIC to display an administrative topic object.
To display all topics, use:DISPLAY TOPIC(ORANGE.TOPIC)We can selectively display attributes by specifying them individually with the DISPLAY TOPIC command. For example:
DISPLAY TOPIC(ORANGE.TOPIC) + TOPICSTR + DEFPRTY + NPMSGDLVThis command displays the three specified attributes as follows:
AMQ8633: Display topic details. TOPIC(ORANGE.TOPIC) TYPE(LOCAL) TOPICSTR(ORANGE) DEFPRTY(ASPARENT) NPMSGDLV(ASPARENT)To display the topic ASPARENT values as they are used at Runtime, use the DISPLAY TPSTATUS command. For example, use:
DISPLAY TPSTATUS(ORANGE) DEFPRTY NPMSGDLVThe command displays the following details:
AMQ8754: Display topic status details. TOPICSTR(ORANGE) DEFPRTY(0) NPMSGDLV(ALLAVAIL)When you define an administrative topic, it takes any attributes that we do not specify explicitly from the default administrative topic, which is called SYSTEM.DEFAULT.TOPIC. To see what these default attributes are, use the following command:
DISPLAY TOPIC (SYSTEM.DEFAULT.TOPIC)Parent topic: Work with administrative topics
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