Monitor file transfers that are in progress

We can monitor a file transfer that is in progress using the Managed File Transfer - Current Transfer Progress tab in IBM MQ Explorer. This file transfer can be one started from either IBM MQ Explorer or the command line. The tab also displays the progress of scheduled transfers at the point the scheduled transfers start.

To use IBM MQ Explorer to monitor transfers associated with a coordination queue manager on a remote system, follow the instructions in the Configure IBM MQ Explorer to monitor a remote coordination queue manager topic.

Previous file transfer information is not retained after you stop and restart IBM MQ Explorer. At restart, the information about past transfers is cleared from the Current Transfer Progress tab. We can clear completed transfers using Remove completed transfers at any point when IBM MQ Explorer is open.


After you have started a new file transfer using IBM MQ Explorer or the command line, we can monitor the progress of your transfer in the Current Transfer Progress tab. The following information is displayed for each transfer in progress:
  1. Source. The name of the agent used to transfer the file from the source system.
  2. Destination. The name of the agent used to receive the file at the destination system.
  3. Current file. The name of the file currently being transferred. The part of the individual file that has already been transferred is displayed in B, KiB, MiB. GiB, or TiB along with total size of the file in parentheses. The unit of measurement displayed depends on the size of the file. B is bytes per second. KiB/s is kibibytes per second, where 1 kibibyte equals 1024 bytes. MiB/s is mebibytes per second, where 1 mebibyte equals 1 048 576 bytes. GiB/s is gibibytes per second where 1 gibibyte equals 1 073 741 824 bytes. TiB/s is tebibytes per second where 1 tebibyte equals 1 099 511 627 776 bytes.
  4. File number. If we are transferring more than one file, this number represents how far through the total group of files the transfer is.
  5. Progress. The progress bar shows how complete the current file transfer is as a percentage.
  6. Rate. The rate the file is being transferred in KiB/s (kibibytes per second, where 1 kibibyte equals 1024 bytes.)
  7. Started (selected time zone). The time that the file transfer started, presented in the selected time zone of the administrator. To change the time zone displayed, click Window > Preferences > IBM MQ Explorer > Managed File Transfer and select an alternative time zone from the Time zone: list. Click OK. If the transfer enters a recovery state while transferring the file, the started time updates to reflect the time that the file transfer resumed.


This tab regularly refreshes its information automatically, but to force a refreshed view of what is displayed in the Current Transfer Progress tab, click Refresh on the Content view toolbar.

To delete file transfers from the Current Transfer Progress tab, click Remove completed transfers on the Content view toolbar. Clicking this button removes file transfer details from the tab only; it does not stop or cancel a current or scheduled transfer.

To return to the Current Transfer Progress tab after closing it, we can display the tab by clicking Window > Show View > Other > Other > Managed File Transfer - Current Transfer Progress. Click OK.

What to do next

Additionally, it is possible to develop applications for custom file transfer monitoring. This can be accomplished by creating a subscription to the appropriate Managed File Transfer administrative topic (either programmatically or administratively), and the monitor application can then receive Managed File Transfer file transfer activity publications on the topic. For more information on the subscription topic and publication message format, see File transfer progress message examples.

  • Configure IBM MQ Explorer to monitor a remote coordination queue manager
    Use IBM MQ Explorer to monitor file transfers associated with a coordination queue manager running on a remote system. In IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5, or later, you require a system that is capable of running the IBM MQ Explorer. The IBM MQ Explorer component needs to be installed to be able to connect to the remote coordination queue manager.

Parent topic: Administer Managed File Transfer

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