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How numerical data in the body of a message is represented when the XMS client forwards the message to the destination. If set for an individual message, the JMS_IBM_ENCODING property overrides the encoding specified for the destination by this property. The property specifies the representation of binary integers, packed decimal integers, and floating point numbers.

The valid values of the property are the same as the values that can be specified in the Encoding field of a message descriptor.

An application can use the following named constants to set the property:
Named constant Meaning
MQENC_INTEGER_NORMAL Normal integer encoding
MQENC_INTEGER_REVERSED Reversed integer encoding
MQENC_DECIMAL_NORMAL Normal packed decimal encoding
MQENC_DECIMAL_REVERSED Reversed packed decimal encoding
MQENC_FLOAT_IEEE_NORMAL Normal IEEE floating point encoding
MQENC_FLOAT_IEEE_REVERSED Reversed IEEE floating point encoding
MQENC_FLOAT_S390 z/OSĀ® architecture floating point encoding
MQENC_NATIVE Native machine encoding
To form a value for the property, the application can add three of these constants as follows:

Alternatively, the application can set the property to MQENC_NATIVE, whose value is environment-dependent.

The default value of the property is MQENC_NATIVE.

This property is relevant only to messages sent to the destination, not to messages received from the destination.