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The type of broker used by the application for a connection or for the destination. Only a destination that is a topic can have this property.

The valid values of the property are as follows:
Valid value Meaning
XMSC_WMQ_BROKER_V1 The application is using a WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe broker.

The application can also use this value if you migrate from WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe to WebSphere Message Broker but did not change the application.

XMSC_WMQ_BROKER_V2 The application is using a broker of IBM® Integration Bus.

After the broker is migrated, set this property so that RFH2 headers are no longer used. After migration, this property is no longer relevant.

The default value for a connectionfactory is XMSC_WMQ_BROKER_UNSPECIFIED but, by default, the property is not set for a destination. Setting the property for a destination overrides any value specified by the connection factory property.