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Triggered file transfer log message example

When a transfer is in progress, messages are published to the SYSTEM.FTE topic with a topic string of Log/agent_name/transfer_ID. The XML example shows the log message that is created when a file transfer containing a trigger condition is started.

Trigger single file transfer success - started

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<transaction version="1.00"
	ID="414d5120514d312020202020202020207e970d492000a102" agentRole="sourceAgent"
	<action time="2008-11-02T22:05:18.703Z">started</action>
	<sourceAgent agent="FTEAGENT" QMgr="QM1">
		<systemInfo architecture="x86" name="Windows 7"
			version="6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1" />
	<destinationAgent agent="FTEAGENT" QMgr="QM1" />
		<mqmdUserID>USER1   </mqmdUserID>
	<trigger log="yes">
		<fileExist comparison="=" value="exist">c:\trigger.txt</fileExist>
	<transferSet startTime="2008-11-02T22:05:18.703Z" total="1"></transferSet>