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Monitor MFT resources

We can monitor Managed File Transfer resources; for example, a queue or a directory. When a condition on this resource is satisfied, the resource monitor starts a task, such as a file transfer. We can create a resource monitor by using the fteCreateMonitor command or the Monitors view in the Managed File Transfer plug-in for IBM MQ Explorer.

About this task

A common scenario is to monitor a directory for the presence of a trigger file. An external application might be processing multiple files and placing them in a known source directory. When the application has completed its processing, it indicates that the files are ready to be transferred, or otherwise acted upon, by placing a trigger file into a monitored location. The trigger file can be detected by a Managed File Transfer monitor and the transfer of those files from the source directory to another Managed File Transfer Agent is initiated.

Two examples of monitoring a directory are as follows:

Do not create a monitor that monitors for *.zip, and then transfers *.zip. The monitor tries to start a transfer of *.zip for every .zip file on your system. That is, the monitor generates * number of transfers for *.zip.

To see an example of creating a resource monitor to monitor a directory, see Monitor a directory and using variable substitution.

An example of monitoring a queue is as follows:

For an example of creating a resource monitor to monitor a queue, see Example: Configuring an MFT resource. Managed File Transfer resource monitoring uses the following terminology:

From IBM MQ Version 9.0.3, Managed File Transfer includes resource monitor logging. For more information, see Logging MFT resource monitors.

Resource monitoring is not supported on protocol bridge agents or Connect:Direct® bridge agents.