Common MFT problems with JZOS
Here are some suggestions if you encounter problems with JZOS.
- If the JZOS fails to process successfully:
- Add, PARM='+T' to the JCL. For example:
//MQMFT EXEC PGM=JVMLDM86,REGION=0M,PARM='+T'- Add set -x to the environment file
- If you get:
- JVMJZBL1038E Child shell process exited with exit code: 1
- JVMJZBL1042E JZOS batch launcher failed, return code=102
This means there was something wrong with your environment file and Managed File Transfer commands. This can be due to invalid paths specified.
- From your environment file, locate the value of BFG_PROD.
- Go into OMVS and use the ls -ltr command.For example, if BFG_PROD is /HMF8800/, type the command:
ls -ltr HMF8800/bin/fteBatch- Check this file exists, and that the batch job has read permission to the file.
- Resolve any problems.,
- If the JCL still fails to process correctly:
- Create a file in USS, for example, myenv and use an editor to copy information from the environment file into this myenv file.
- Save this file.
- From the command line, use the command chmod +x myenv, to allow the file to be run.
- Issue the command . myenv. Note, that is (period blank filename).
Running this command reports any errors in the myenv file.
- Correct any errors in both the myenv and environment files.