XML message formats used by MFT
Managed File Transfer uses messages in XML format for a
number of purposes: to command an
agent; to log information about the monitors, schedules, and transfers; and to define information
used for configuration. The logical structure of the XML formats used for these purposes described
by XML schema.
Each version of Managed File Transfer uses an XML schema to
validate messages written in XML. The agent extracts the XML schema version and determines whether
the schema is supported.
After we have installed Managed File Transfer, we can find the
Managed File Transfer message schema files in the following
directory: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema. The
following schemas are included:
Schemas for XML messages that can be put on an agent command queue
For more information about putting XML messages on an agent command
queue, see Controlling MFT by putting messages on the agent command queue .
Schemas for XML messages that are published to the SYSTEM.FTE
For more information about XML messages that are published to
the SYSTEM.FTE topic and the structure of the SYSTEM.FTE topic, see SYSTEM.FTE topic .
Other schemas used by Managed File Transfer
fteutils.xsd. This schema contains common
element definitions and is included by some of the other schemas.
MFT agent status message format
When a Managed File Transfer Agent is created or started, the agent publishes its details to the SYSTEM.FTE topic on its coordination queue manager (on the SYSTEM.FTE/Agents/agent name topic).
MFT monitor list message format
The XML messages that are published as retained publications to the topic string SYSTEM.FTE/monitors/agent_name/monitor_name conform to the MonitorList.xsd schema. Each XML message lists an active monitor belonging to that agent. This information is used by the fteListMonitors command and the IBM MQ Explorer plug-in to display a list of monitors to the user. The MonitorList.xsd schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory. The MonitorList.xsd schema imports Monitor.xsd, which is in the same directory.
MFT schedule list message format
The XML message that is published to a retained publication to the topic string SYSTEM.FTE/Scheduler/agent_name conforms to the ScheduleList.xsd schema. This XML message lists all active schedules belonging to that agent. This information is used by the fteListScheduledTransfers command and the IBM MQ Explorer to display a list of schedules to the user. The ScheduleList.xsd schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory. The ScheduleList.xsd schema imports FileTransfer.xsd, which is in the same directory.
MFT example template XML message
When a template is created, a message is published to the SYSTEM.FTE topic with a topic string of Templates/template_ID. This example XML describes a single template defined in your Managed File Transfer network.
File transfer status message format
Messages are published to the coordination queue manager to indicate transfer status of each file in the transfer set. Every time a request for file transfer is processed by the agent, a transaction message is published to the coordination queue manager (on its SYSTEM.FTE/Transfers/agent_name/transfer ID topic), which conforms to the TransferStatus.xsd XML schema. The TransferStatus.xsd file is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory of your WMQMFT installation.
File transfer log message formats
File transfer log messages are published to the SYSTEM.FTE topic with a topic string of Log/agent_name/transfer_ID. These messages conform to the schema TransferLog.xsd, which is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory of your Managed File Transfer installation.
Scheduled file transfer log message formats
Every time a request for a scheduled file transfer is processed by the agent, a schedule log message is published to the coordination queue manager (on its SYSTEM.FTE/Log/agent name/schedule ID topic). This message conforms to the ScheduleLog.xsd XML schema.
MFT monitor log message format
Monitor log messages are published to the SYSTEM.FTE topic with a topic string of Log/agent_name/Monitors/monitor_name/monitor_ID.
File transfer request message format
File transfers are initiated by XML messages arriving at an agent command queue, typically as a result of a user issuing a file transfer command or by using the IBM MQ Explorer. The transfer request XML must conform to the FileTransfer.xsd schema and have the <request> element as the root element. The FileTransfer.xsd schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory. The FileTransfer.xsd schema imports fteutils.xsd, which is in the same directory.
MFT monitor request message formats
Resource monitors are created when a suitable XML message arrives at an agent's command queue, typically as a result of a user issuing the fteCreateMonitor command or using the IBM MQ Explorer interface.
Ping MFT agent request message format
We can ping an agent by issuing an ftePingAgent command or by putting an XML message on the agent command queue. The ping agent request XML must conform to the PingAgent.xsd schema. After we have installed Managed File Transfer, we can find the PingAgent.xsd schema file in the following directory: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema. The PingAgent.xsd schema imports fteutils.xsd, which is in the same directory.
MFT agent reply message format
When an agent receives an XML message on its agent command queue, if a response is required, the agent will send an XML reply message to the reply queue defined in the original message. The reply XML conforms to the Reply.xsd schema. The Reply.xsd schema document is located in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/mqft/samples/schema directory. The Reply.xsd schema imports fteutils.xsd, which is in the same directory.
MFT message formats for security
This topic describes the messages published to the Managed File Transfer coordination queue manager relevant to security.
MFT credentials file format
The MQMFTCredentials.xml file contains sensitive user ID and password information. The elements in the MQMFTCredentials.xml file must conform to the MQMFTCredentials.xsd schema. The security of credentials files is the responsibility of the user.
Protocol bridge credentials file format
The ProtocolBridgeCredentials.xml file in the Managed File Transfer Agent configuration directory defines the user names and credential information that the protocol bridge agent uses to authorize itself with the protocol server.
Protocol bridge properties file format
The ProtocolBridgeProperties.xml file in the agent configuration directory defines properties for protocol file servers.
Connect:Direct credentials file format
The ConnectDirectCredentials.xml file in the Managed File Transfer Agent configuration directory defines the user names and credential information that the Connect:Direct® agent uses to authorize itself with a Connect:Direct node.
Connect:Direct process definitions file format
The ConnectDirectProcessDefinitions.xml file in the Connect:Direct bridge agent configuration directory specifies the user-defined Connect:Direct process to start as part of the file transfer.
Connect:Direct node properties file format
The ConnectDirectNodeProperties.xml file in the Connect:Direct bridge agent configuration directory specifies information about remote Connect:Direct nodes that are involved in a file transfer.
fteutils.xsd schema file
This schema defines elements and types used by many of the other Managed File Transfer schemas.
Parent topic: Managed File Transfer
Related reference