Example: Transferring a group of messages from a queue to a single file

We can specify a single complete group on an IBM MQ queue as the source of a file transfer by using the -sq and -sqgi parameters with the fteCreateTransfer command.

In this example, there are ten messages on the queue START_QUEUE. This queue must be on the source agent's queue manager, QM_NEPTUNE. The first three messages belong to a group with the IBM MQ group ID 41424b3ef3a2202020202020202020202020202020201111; this group is not a complete group. The next five messages belong to a group with the IBM MQ group ID 41424b3ef3a2202020202020202020202020202020202222; this group is complete. The remaining two messages belong to a group with the IBM MQ group ID 41424b3ef3a2202020202020202020202020202020203333; this group is complete.


Type the following command:
fteCreateTransfer -sa AGENT_NEPTUNE -sm QM_NEPTUNE -da AGENT_VENUS 
                  -df /out/group.txt -sqgi -sq START_QUEUE

The data in the messages belonging to the first complete group on the queue START_QUEUE, the group with IBM MQ group ID 41424b3ef3a2202020202020202020202020202020202222, is written to the file /out/group.txt on the system where AGENT_VENUS is running.