z/OS JCL variables
We can use substitution values, JCL variables, and configuration properties in the BFGCUSTM script.
The following table lists the substitution values for the BFGCUSTM JCL script in an MFT command PDSE library data set. You must replace these substitution values with suitable values before you submit the BFGCUSTM job.
The following table describes the environment variables for the BFGSTDIN DD statement for the BFGCUSTM JCL script, in an MFT command PDSE library data set (in the [Variables] section). You must replace all variables that are specified with substitution values (that is, values enclosed in two plus signs, ++) with suitable values before you submit the BFGCUSTM job.
Table 1. Substitution values for the BFGCUSTM JCL script Substitution variable Value ++library++ The data set name of the containing MFT command PDSE library. ++bfg_java_home++ The location of your Java installation. ++bfg_prod++ The location of the MFT product installation UNIX System Services root directory. Note: The IBM MQ jar files are shipped with MFT, in directory MQMFT product root/java/lib, are always used, and not configurable. The following table describes the mandatory MFT configuration properties for the BFGSTDIN DD statement for the BFGCUSTM JCL script in an MFT command PDSE library data set. You must replace properties specified with substitution values (that is, values enclosed in two plus signs, ++) with a suitable non-blank value before you submit the BFGCUSTM job. These properties define overrides for the MFT configuration properties. We can add agent and logger properties to customize agents or loggers for your environment. For a list of all properties, see Configuration properties files.
Table 2. Environment variables Environment variable Value LIBRARY The data set name of the containing MFT command PDSE library. TMPDIR UNIX System Services directory for temporary files. BFG_PROD The location of the MFT product installation UNIX System Services root directory. BFG_DATA The location of the data directory for Managed File Transfer for z/OS®, which is the path to DATA_DIR. BFG_JAVA_HOME The location of your Java installation. BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES Optional. Sets a value for the BFG_JVM_PROPERTIES environment variable. These properties are passed to the Java virtual machine. BFG_GROUP_NAME The mqm file group is typically associated with MFT configuration data files and commands. Consequently, all users who are members in the mqm group can access and make changes to the MFT configuration. For more information, see File system permissions for MFT in IBM MQ.For a z/OS system, a file group is a USS filesystem entity, and the mqm file group is not necessarily defined. We can associate a z/OS USS filesystem group for MFT configuration data files by using the BFG_GROUP_NAME environment variable. For example, at the USS shell prompt use: export BFG_GROUP_NAME=FTEGBwhich defines a group FTEGB to be associated with any subsequently created configuration files for the current USS session.We can set BFG_GROUP_NAME to a blank value, or remove it.
Note: When running BFGCUSTM for the first time, if the MFT configuration is to be used by multiple user ID's, it is important that BFG_GROUP_NAME is set to a group accessible to all required user ID's. If BFGCUSTM is run again, then BFG_GROUP_NAME must not be changed (otherwise, the USS group file permissions for all files and directories in the directory referenced by BFG_DATA must also be changed to reflect the new BFG_GROUP_NAME setting).
If you run the fteMigrateAgent command on a z/OS system with the BFG_GROUP_NAME environment variable set to a non-blank value, the command checks to see whether the user is a member of the group named by the BFG_GROUP_NAME variable. If the user is not in the named group, the command might report the error message BFGCL0502E: You are not authorized to perform the requested operation. and fail to run. For details on the criteria the user must meet to successfully run that command, see fteMigrateAgent: migrate an FTE V7.0 agent to MQ V7.5 or later.
BFG_WTO z/OS logging is enabled when BFG_WTO is set to YES, ON, or TRUE. This controls whether messages that are written to the agent event log are also written to the z/OS operator log facility, which allows easier access for automation products when you run an agent from JCL. The routing code is Programmer Information (11) and the descriptor code is Informational (12). SERVICE_TYPE Specifies whether the MFT command library is for an agent or logger. The valid values are AGENT or LOGGER. NAME The name of the agent or logger for the SERVICE_TYPE value. QMGR The name of the local queue manager that is associated with the agent or logger for the SERVICE_TYPE value. OUTPUT_CLASS The ouput class for SYSOUT data sets. Defaults to * which requests the same output class as the MSGCLASS parameter from the job statement. MQ_PATH Used in BFGPROF to create the LIBPATH environment variable. MQ_HLQ The high-level qualifier for IBM MQ data sets. MQ_LANG The language that is required. DB2_HLQ Optional. High-level qualifier for Db2® data sets. JOBCARD1 Header line 1 for a JCL command job. JOBCARD2 Header line 2 for a JCL command job. JOBCARD3 Header line 3 for a JCL command job. ADMIN_JOB1 Header line 1 for an admin job. ADMIN_JOB2 Header line 2 for an admin job. ADMIN_JOB3 Header line 3 for an admin job. FTE_CONFIG Existing WMQFTE configuration for migration. Set to a blank value if migration is not required. CREDENTIAL_PATH Path to credentials file for migration, for example /u/user1/agent3. Credentials files for migration for Managed File Transfer must be located in a separate file to configuration information and configuration files on IBM WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Required for migration commands BFGAGMG and BFGLGMG JCL scripts only. Set to a blank value if migration is not required. DB_PROPS_PATH Specifies the database logger properties file for migration. This option is required only if the properties file does not use the following default name and path: config_directory/coordination_qmgr/databaselogger.properties. Set to a blank value if migration is not required.
Table 3. Mandatory configuration properties for the BFGSTDIN DD statement Property Value coordinationQMgr The name of the coordination queue manager for the configuration that the agent or logger is associated with. coordinationQMgrHost Optional. Host name of the system that the coordination queue manager is running on. If you leave the value for this property blank, a bindings mode connection is assumed. coordinationQMgrPort Optional. Port number that the coordination queue manager is listening on. This parameter is used only if you also specify a non-blank value for the coordinationQMgrHost property. coordinationQMgrChannel Optional. Channel to use to connect to the coordination queue manager. This parameter is used only if you also specify a non-blank value for the coordinationQMgrHost property. connectionQMgr The name of the command queue manager for the configuration that the agent or logger is associated with. connectionQMgrHost Optional. Host name of the system that the command queue manager is running on. If you leave the value for this property blank, a bindings mode connection is assumed. connectionQMgrPort Optional. Port number that the command queue manager is listening on. This parameter is used only if you also specify a non-blank value for the connectionQMgrHost property. connectionQMgrChannel Optional. Channel to use to connect to the command queue manager. This parameter is used only if you also specify a non-blank value for the connectionQMgrHost property.