Transferring multiple files to Connect:Direct by using wildcards
To transfer multiple files from a Managed File Transfer agent to a Connect:Direct® node, use the Connect:Direct bridge. We can use wildcard characters in the source specification that you provide to the fteCreateTransfer command. As with all Managed File Transfer transfers involving wildcards, only the last part of the file path can contain a wildcard character. For example, /abc/def* is a valid file path and /abc*/def is not valid.
Before you begin
Before transferring a file, you must configure the Connect:Direct bridge, which is a component of Managed File Transfer. For more information, see Configure the Connect:Direct bridge.
In this example, the source agent is called FTE_AGENT and the Connect:Direct bridge agent is called CD_BRIDGE. The destination Connect:Direct node is called CD_NODE1. The files to be transferred are located in the directory /reports on the system where FTE_AGENT is located. Only files with names that start with report, followed by two characters and the suffix .log, are transferred. For example, the file /reports/report01.log is transferred, but the file /reports/report1.log is not transferred. The files are transferred to the directory /home/fred on the system where CD_NODE1 is running.
- Use the fteCreateTransfer command with the value for the -dd (destination directory) parameter in the form connect_direct_node_name:directory_path. For the -da (destination agent) parameter, specify the Connect:Direct bridge agent. Note: The Connect:Direct node specified by connect_direct_node_name is the node that you want the files to be transferred to, not the Connect:Direct node that operates as part of the Connect:Direct bridge.
fteCreateTransfer -sa FTE_AGENT -da CD_BRIDGE -dd CD_NODE1:/home/fred "/reports/report??.log"For more information, see fteCreateTransfer: start a new file transfer.- The source agent FTE_AGENT transfers the first file that matches the pattern /reports/report??.log to the Connect:Direct bridge agent CD_BRIDGE. The Connect:Direct bridge agent temporarily stores the file in the location defined by the cdTmpDir property. When the file has been completely transferred from the source agent to the Connect:Direct bridge, the Connect:Direct bridge agent sends the file to the Connect:Direct node that is defined by the cdNode agent property. This node sends the file to the destination Connect:Direct node CD_NODE1. The Connect:Direct bridge agent deletes the file from the temporary location when the transfer between the two Connect:Direct nodes is complete.This process is repeated for each source file that matches the wildcard pattern /reports/report??.log. Note: The list of files that match the pattern /reports/report??.log varies depending on the operating system of the system where the source agent FTE_AGENT is located.
- If the source agent is located on a system with a Windows operating system, the pattern matching is not case sensitive. The pattern matches all files in the /reports directory with a file name of the form report followed by two characters and a suffix of .log, regardless of the case that the letters are in. For example, Report99.Log is a match.
- If the source agent is located on a system with a Linux or UNIX operating system, the pattern matching is case sensitive. The pattern matches only those files in the /reports directory with a file name of the form report followed by two characters and a suffix of .log. For example, reportAB.log is a match, but reportAB.LOG and Report99.Log are not matches.