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Transferring data sets to and from Connect:Direct nodes

We can transfer data sets between Managed File Transfer agents and IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® nodes using the Connect:Direct bridge. We can specify a data set as the transfer source, transfer destination, or both.

Specifying data set names

To specify a data set on a Connect:Direct node in a transfer request, use the syntax that is used for data set transfers between Managed File Transfer agents, but with two changes:

Except for these two changes, specify the data set name and any optional attributes using the same syntax that is used for data set transfers between Managed File Transfer agents, which has the following rules:

For more information about specifying data sets in a transfer request, see fteCreateTransfer: start a new file transfer and fteCreateTemplate: create new file transfer template.

Parameters to use in your transfer request

For most transfer requests that involve data sets on Connect:Direct nodes, we can specify the source and destination data sets in the same way as you would for a data set transfer that involves only Managed File Transfer agents. Use the source_specification, -ds, and -dp parameters with the fteCreateTransfer or fteCreateTemplate commands. This syntax is supported for the following scenarios:

If the destination agent is the Connect:Direct bridge agent, and the source agent is WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.3 or earlier, you must make the following changes to your transfer request:

We can also use this syntax as an alternative to the usual -ds and -dp parameters for transfers where the source agent is WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.4 or later. For example, if you want to use a consistent syntax across all your scenarios and some scenarios involve a source agent that is WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Version 7.0.3 or earlier, use the -df and -dd parameters. Note: If the destination of the transfer is a PDS and the destination agent is the Connect:Direct bridge agent, you must specify the -de parameter with the value of overwrite.

Specifying data set attributes

Certain data set attributes are set by Managed File Transfer and passed through as parameters to the Connect:Direct COPY process. We can also supply certain attributes in the transfer request, by specifying the appropriate BPXWDYN key. The Connect:Direct bridge converts keys that have equivalent Connect:Direct properties to the format that is required by Connect:Direct. For example, in the data set specification CD_NODE1://'OBJECT.LIB';RECFM(F,B);BLKSIZE(800);LRECL(80), the attributes RECFM(F,B);BLKSIZE(800);LRECL(80) are converted to DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=800,LRECL=80).

For details of the mappings between these two types of parameter, including details of the BPXWDYN keys that are supported for use with a Connect:Direct transfer, see Mappings between Connect:Direct process statement parameters and BPXWDYN keys. Not all BPXWDYN keys have an equivalent Connect:Direct process parameter, and not all Connect:Direct process parameters have an equivalent BPXWDYN key.

Additional considerations