WCFCH0201E-0300E: Factory/Listener messages
Use the following information to understand WCFCH0201E-0300E factory/listener messages.
- WCFCH0201E
- Channel shape '{0}' is not supported.
- Explanation
- The users application or the WCF service contract has requested a channel shape which is not supported.
- Response
- Identify and use a channel shape which is supported by the channel.
- WCFCH0202E
- '{0}' MessageEncodingBindingElements have been specified.
- Explanation
- The WCF binding configuration used by an application contains more than one message encoder.
- Response
- Specify no more then 1 MessageEncodingBindingElement in the binding configuration.
- WCFCH0203E
- The endpoint URI address for the service listener must be used exactly as provided.
- Explanation
- The binding information for the endpoint URI address must specify a value of 'Explicit' for the 'listenUriMode' parameter.
- Response
- Change the parameter value to 'Explicit'.
- WCFCH0204E
- TLS is not supported for managed client connections [endpoint URI: '{0}'].
- Explanation
- The endpoint URI specifies a TLS connection type which is only supported for unmanaged client connections.
- Response
- Modify the channels binding properties to specify an unmanaged client connection mode.