
Parameters are incompatible with disposition.

The parameters or parameter values for a command are incompatible with the disposition of an object. One of the following occurred:

  • A value specified for the object name or other parameter is not allowed for a local queue with a disposition that is shared or a model queue used to create a dynamic queue that is shared.
  • A value specified for a parameter is not allowed for an object with such disposition.
  • A value specified for a parameter must be non-blank for an object with such disposition.
  • The CommandScope and QSGDisposition or ChannelDisposition parameter values are incompatible.
  • The action requested for a channel cannot be performed because it has the wrong disposition.
The parameter and disposition in question may be returned in the message (with parameter identifiers MQIACF_PARAMETER_ID and MQIA_QSG_DISP).

Programmer response

Reissue the command with correct parameters and values.