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MQPUT, MQPUT1, or MQCMIT was interrupted and reconnection processing cannot reestablish a definite outcome.

This reason code is returned to a client that is using a reconnectable connection if the connection is broken between sending the request to the queue manager and receiving the response, and if the outcome is not certain. For example, an interrupted MQPUT of a persistent message outside sync point might or might not have stored the message. Alternatively an interrupted MQPUT1 of a persistent message or message with default persistence (which could be persistent) outside sync point might or might not have stored the message. The timing of the failure affects whether the message remains on the queue or not. If MQCMIT was interrupted the transaction might or might not have been committed.

Completion code


Programmer response

Repeat the call following reconnection, but be aware that in some cases, repeating the call might be misleading.

The application design determines the appropriate recovery action. In many cases, getting and putting persistent messages inside sync point resolves indeterminate outcomes. Where persistent messages need to be processed outside sync point, it might be necessary to establish whether the interrupted operation succeeded before the interruption and repeating it if it did not.