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2364 (093C) (RC2364): MQRC_JMS_FORMAT_ERROR


This reason code is generated by JMS applications that use one of the following:

and connect to an IBM MQ queue manager using IBM MQ messaging provider migration mode.

When the IBM MQ classes for JMS encounter a message that cannot be parsed (for example, the message contains an invalid RFH2 header) the message is processed as specified by the disposition options in the Report field in the MQMD of the message.

If the Report field specifies one of the MQRO_EXCEPTION_* options, this reason code appears in the Feedback field of the report message. If the Report field specifies MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q, or the disposition report options remain at the default, this reason code appears in the Reason field of the MQDLH.

Completion code


Programmer response

Investigate the origin of the message.