2258 (08D2) (RC2258): MQRC_GROUP_ID_ERROR


An MQPUT or MQPUT1 call was issued to put a distribution-list message that is also a message in a group, a message segment, or has segmentation allowed, but an invalid combination of options and values was specified. All of the following statements are true:

  • MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER is not specified in the Options field in MQPMO.
  • Either there are too few MQPMR records provided by MQPMO, or the GroupId field is not present in the MQPMR records.
  • One or more of the following flags is specified in the MsgFlags field in MQMD or MQMDE:

  • The GroupId field in MQMD or MQMDE is not MQGI_NONE.
This combination of options and values would result in the same group identifier being used for all of the destinations in the distribution list; this is not permitted by the queue manager.

Completion code


Programmer response

Specify MQGI_NONE for the GroupId field in MQMD or MQMDE. Alternatively, if the call is MQPUT specify MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER in the Options field in MQPMO.