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2162 (0872) (RC2162): MQRC_Q_MGR_STOPPING


An MQI call was issued, but the call failed because the queue manager is shutting down. If the call was an MQGET call with the MQGMO_WAIT option, the wait has been canceled. No more MQI calls can be issued.

For MQ MQI client applications, it is possible that the call did complete successfully, even though this reason code is returned with a CompCode of MQCC_FAILED.

On z/OSĀ®, the MQRC_CONNECTION_BROKEN reason may be returned instead if, as a result of system scheduling factors, the queue manager shuts down before the call completes.

Completion code


Programmer response

The application should tidy up and end. If the application is in the middle of a unit of work coordinated by an external unit-of-work coordinator, the application should issue the appropriate call to back out the unit of work. Any unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically.