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Connection to the queue manager has been lost. This can occur because the queue manager has ended. If the call is an MQGET call with the MQGMO_WAIT option, the wait has been canceled. All connection and object handles are now invalid.

For MQ MQI client applications, it is possible that the call did complete successfully, even though this reason code is returned with a CompCode of MQCC_FAILED.

Completion code


Programmer response

Applications can attempt to reconnect to the queue manager by issuing the MQCONN or MQCONNX call. It might be necessary to poll until a successful response is received.

Any uncommitted changes in a unit of work should be backed out. A unit of work that is coordinated by the queue manager is backed out automatically.

For z/OS IMS check that the subsystem is started using the IMS DIS SUBSYS command, and if necessary start it using the IMS STA SUBSYS command.