Tracing with the AIX system trace
In addition to the IBM MQ trace, IBM MQ for AIX users can use the standard AIX system trace.
Note: You should use the aix option, only when directed to do so by IBM service personnel. AIX system tracing is a three-step process:- Set the -o parameter on the strmqtrc command to aix.
- Gather the data, and run the endmqtrc command once we have done so.
- Format the results.
- X'30D'
- This event is recorded by IBM MQ on entry to or exit from a subroutine.
- X'30E'
- This event is recorded by IBM MQ to trace data such as that being sent or received across a communications network.
Trace provides detailed execution tracing to help you to analyze problems. IBM service support personnel might ask for a problem to be re-created with trace enabled. The files produced by trace can be very large so it is important to qualify a trace, where possible. For example, we can optionally qualify a trace by time and by component.
There are two ways to run trace:- Interactively. The following sequence of commands runs an interactive trace on the program
myprog and ends the trace.
trace -j30D,30E -o trace.file ->!myprog ->q
- Asynchronously. The following sequence of commands runs an asynchronous trace on the program
myprog and ends the trace.
trace -a -j30D,30E -o trace.file myprog trcstop
trcrpt -t MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib/amqtrc.fmt trace.file > report.file
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM MQ is installed.
report.file is the name of the file where you want to put the formatted trace output.
Note: All IBM MQ activity on the machine is traced while the trace is active.